A Creative Confession + +

On March 2, 2019 by creativewavemovement

Without warrant, I must confess this very thing: on a number of occasions, I have not continued to write (or paint) as often and frequently as I should.

Image courtesy of Google Images

Indeed. (PHOTO CRED: Google Images)


By passion and trade, I am a writer and painter. A wordsmith and artist, with a mission to move what is at the heart and mind of subjects examined – topics discovered – to the forefront.

I have not always honored my gift as I should, writing or painting, day in and day out. As a writer/artist, it is one of the single most, profoundly simple and important muscles one can flex … all that is required? Your eyes, your mind; pen, paper and time. Solitude often plays a hand in this deck of fortifying our creative skills and cross examination of the world around us. The power that we, as writers have – those who first observe first, listen closely, then communicate and assess how all are related – is empowered by our ability to nurture this gift.

Image courtesy of Dan Florez Photography

Dream-state, courtesy of CreativeWave Movement profiled Artist, Dan Florez (PHOTO: D. Florez)

The trouble often becomes in redefining how you write and when you write: Are you writing just for yourself? Are you writing for others? And, in what tense and tone should this supposed message take?

Many times, I have found that the need in assessing how I write, has affected when I write -

That is, until now.

The passion we have for the gifts we’ve been given from Heaven above, is there so that we may move in that very thing, deliberately and with great intention. Never mind who and what number of audience members you are doing this for: you are cultivating this in honor of the very gift itself; and most importantly, unto the One who gave it.


Long live your gift,


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