RVA Serves Up a Sweet Spot for Cool Clothes… and Budding Artists

On June 22, 2012 by creativewavemovement

Walk into West Coast Kix, and be not surprised that you spend much longer than originally planned. Within their happy and light, lime green painted walls, lies the hip and lively clothes that are all the rave in the RVA. In fact, bring extra money: you have been warned.

Not only does each person greet you with a smile- a genuine reflection of the owners and the awesome team that manages it- they also deliver the illest lines for sneaker and street apparel; not to mention, a serious hand in encouraging the budding-artist scene within their Richmond community. LOVE.I love them, and make the trek down the RVA more times than I’d like to admit. They rock my socks, and I know they will for you, as well… right into one of their sweet sneaks! If you live in or near this area, and are sitting on some incredible pieces that should be showcased, don’t let this connect slip through your fingers!

Make a trip down or up…whichever side of the compass you lay… and check them out! You’ll be coming back for more!



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