The Evolution of Emmie Brown

On October 2, 2015 by creativewavemovement
PetPieces, "Millie" 12 x 12

PetPieces, “Millie” 12 x 12

Any true artist will tell you that, in their inexplicable quest for infinite, creative expression- a journey that is marked only by a constant changing and readjusting of our approach- we are consistently assessing the manner in which we reach our highest level of creative joy.

CreativeWave Movement Artists are no exception.

Checking in with the talented souls featured on this happy web-space, always provides us with a level of understanding, otherwise unknown to our search for optimal, artistic stoke. The brain and talent behind Pet Pieces, Emmie Brown, allows us entry into her mental prowess for keeping her talents soaring:

CreativeWave Movement: How have you seen your artistry evolve, given the intricacy of recent creations?

Emmie Brown: I think I have come a long way since my early collages as far as detail! I now use way more pieces, and pay a lot of attention to things such as the shapes of the paper I put down.

CWM: YES! As we have seen a really cool evolution of your work. It is so fantastic to see. Where have you noticed your techniques mature, if you will?

"Snuggle Bunnie" in all of her glory.

“Snuggle Bunnie” in all of her glory.


EB: So, where I used to just stick down a random square of paper; now, there is a much more purposeful cut made. Different types of cuts are used to get the look of different textures. It might be a long strip like in Emmie’s ears, or a little squiggly blob representing a curl of fur like in Emmie’s legs.

CWM: That makes so much sense. How do you switch and adjust your approach when working with different animals?

EB: In pets with smooth coats, you have to kind of blend the pieces of paper together using gradual changes in color and jagged cuts that “mesh” one piece into the next. I’ve also started working in layers. I’ll “block in” an area with a darker shade of color, and then I’ll lay down lighter pieces of the same color on top. By leaving bits of the darker shade showing, the lighter pieces jump out, creating depth. All of these things allow me to really capture the pet and get a more realistic portrait. :)

CWM: Goodness- and it shows so well, Emmie. We are so enamored by the work you continue to produce! More of the incredible is surely coming.

For more updates and insights from Emmie B, CreativeWave Movement has you covered. :)  


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