Be In Rhythm With The Ocean

On October 4, 2014 by creativewavemovement

“Being in sync with the nose and sweep of every turquoise turn the waves take gives the surfer power, gives them grace to ride the wave that speaks to them, that beckons them to surf another day. The relationship between the ocean and that of a surfer is idyllically reminiscent of the give and take we share with life.

We approach the wave with much respect for its power, its sheer ability to crush, to redirect and move us to and fro having tasted a generous helping of defeat and various forms of wiping out.

Laird Hamilton, a legend for the integrity he has brought and continues to bring to the sport, revealing the honest relationship we should strive to have with the sea, says it plainly…” Read more from Creator of CreativeWave Movement, Lindsey Williams:

Creator, Lindsey Williams, gives a distinctive conclusion between our relationship with the sea and life.


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