Rise & Shine: Kick-Start That Creative Energy!

On August 21, 2013 by creativewavemovement

A little confession: I have not given too much to my love for painting as I know that I should; as I know that I want to. Between life happening, and all that falls in between, it seems odd that a passion of mine would find its way seeping into the cracks of “to-do’s”… lost forever in a black hole never to find its way back to the surface.

Have you ever found that happening to you? Sure, the other passions of yours are fed, but what about all… can we feed them all?

cdubb post

That, among many things, is the question. How do we overcome the inevitable?

Answer: Set it as a part of well-balanced diet and day. Every facet of you is important, so prioritize it as such. Set your eyes on a consistent drive and promise- not to anyone else, but yourself- to give those God-given talents the energy, the love… the LIFE they’ve been purposed to have. Remember: rising in the right Light will always allow our gifts to shine even brighter…….

So get your shades,  because it’s time to shine creative mind! Kick-start your passions, and give them the boost they deserve; the boost that you deserve.


Happy and Healthy Creating,


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